Dr. Nickolas Allen, DC

Helping others has always been a passion of mine, and now it's all I do. I began my journey to healthcare through chemistry, but quickly realized that I wanted to help people heal naturally. I've had the privilege of workout throughout the Tri-Cities before settling in Kennewick, WA. I wanted to start a clinic where money wasn't the biggest concern of the clinic. Making you feel healthy and feel better is our goal. We use a diversified approach, compiling many different techniques to get you up on your feet, and back to a happier and healthier you. We keep up with the most current treatments out there and continually do research into new areas of chiropractic and alternative healthcare to provide you with the most up-to-date treatment plans.
Some of the areas to which I have extended my research into are:
Lower back pain
TMD/TMJ and Jaw Pain
Knee injuries
Athletic taping
ADHD and your children
Pregnancy related low back and hip pain
... and a few more.
Our Practice
Allen Family Chiropractic is dedicated to treating each patient with respect, knowing that your problem is unique to you. Every patient's pain is addressed with a unique treatment program to them, so that healing can be easy and functional. We use a diversified technique, implementing many chiropractic treatment methods, to obtain the best results for each patient.
Our friendly and inviting staff will guide you through each step of the process and always remind you that you are in charge of your own care. We encourage questions because we want you to have the answers to your health, your future, and your pain.
Many people begin seeking care for their lower back pain, neck pain, headaches, elbow soreness, or because of extreme pain. The key is to get it checked sooner rather than later. The longer an injury has been present the longer it typically takes to recover after beginning treatment. So, get in as soon as it starts to hurt.
Dr. Nickolas Allen, DC
Basic Health Tips:
Keep Moving
Most of us have given up the caveman days of hunter gatherer. However, that doesn't mean that our bodies have done well adapting to the change in lifestyle. I always encourage my patients to remain mildly active (at least 60 minutes of walking) per day. For those that count, that is approximately 6,000 steps a day. 60-180 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per weak is good to exercise the heart and lungs. That's jogging, cycling, swimming or whatever else you can do to get your heart rate up for a few minutes.
Eat Constantly
This may sound incorrect, but our metabolism does very well if we are constantly feeding ourselves small amounts of a healthy snack. Plus, you'll avoid the huge meals where we are able to digest and use less of the calories. So, carry a bag of mixed veggies for a snack, eat more nuts and legumes, and have a wide variety of fruits. This is a general health tip, and combined with exercise can be the beginnings of a good weight loss plan too.
We are expanding our referral network to include the Richland and West Richland areas. If you have a doctor, dentist, nurse practitioner or any other provider you would like us to work with, just let us know via email or calling the office. This will allow us to better serve our patients in the future through faster communication between providers.